
Distance in km : 84 km

Number of locks : 0

Dimensions (L x W) : m x m

Draught : aucun mouillage garanti

Clearance : de 3,30 m (bras de la Madeleine - passerelle mobile Schoelcher) à 7,16 m (pont de Bellevue) à marée haute en vives eaux - à la clé de voûte

From Bouchemaine to Nantes

The river Loire is marked each year from Bouchemaine to Nantes. This great river, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, bustles with professionals and local residents (sand barges and fishermen) and with small pleasure craft. The setting is superb: immense channels surrounding the isles, vine-covered hills topped with churches and chateaux…


pk: 561 - Bouchemaine (jonction)
pk: 584 - Montjean-sur-Loire
pk: 589 - Le Fresne-sur-Loire
pk: 597 - Saint-Florent-le-Vieil
pk: 610 - Ancenis
pk: 620 - Oudon
pk: 622 - Le Cellier
pk: 630 - La Chapelle-Basse-Mer
pk: 644 - Nantes - Madeleine
pk: 645 - Nantes - Pirmil
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